Moments of Clarity

My debut album, Moments of Clarity, was released on February 27th, 2023. This album contains seven original compositions in the pop idiom, with the Beatles, Radiohead, and Coldplay being primary influences. The lyrical content - some of which was written by my wife, Teresa - reflects on relationships in the context of an increasingly shallow global culture. Sandcastle and Culture is Sick explore the remorsefulness of hedonistic choices, whereas Types of Tears and Breaking Out contemplates love as a foundation of motivation and meaning. The Far Star, a 20+ minute prog-rock odyssey, is inspired by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation and Earth novel, specifically, the following quote from lead character, Golan Trevize, whose resolve to explore inspires my own spiritual journey.

“Even so…I must search. Even if the endless powdering of stars in the Galaxy makes the quest seem hopeless, and even if I must do it alone.”

Track List:


Recorded by producer Steve Kaul at Wild Sound Studios

Vocals, Keyboards, Rhythm Guitar - Spencer Miller

Drums, Auxiliary Percussion - Wesley Miller

Bass Guitar - Matthew Zyla

Lead Guitar - Troy Wyman

Saxophone - Sam Slotsky

Lyrics - Spencer and Teresa Miller

Matthey Zyla

Matthew Zyla

Wesley Miller

Wesley Miller